Tuesday, 16 June 2015

The Best Music Streaming Chrome Extension Out There!

Don't you love it when you finally find a tool that you can use every day... and it actually works? Yes there are lots of music streaming services out there, but often times it is a choice between a poor selection, or being constantly bombarded with ads. Youtube's music platform ($7.99/mo) has a great selection and no ads, but as a music player it falls a bit short. This new chrome extension turns youtube in the possibly the best streaming service there is, and it was all done by one guy that quit his job to pursue creating the perfect chrome extension. Check it out! This Chrome Extension Makes YouTube a Serious Music Player While many of us use YouTube to listen to the occasional song, it’s no match for a real music service like Spotify or Google Music since it doesn’t offer background listening or the ability to search for songs without using the site. A new third-party Chrome extension called Streamus is changing that, however, turning the site into a legitimate music service that lives in a popup in your browser. Streamus feels like something that Google itself should have built, but it’s actually built by someone who quit their job to work on the extension full-time. On Reddit, the creator says they’ve been working on it for over three years. The extension is built with Google’s Material design language and allows you to search any song on YouTube right inside a popup, add it to a playlist and listen instantly without needing to have a YouTube tab open. The extension does far more than you might expect. For example, once you’ve created a playlist, you can share it with friends via a URL, like you might expect on a normal music service. Streamus even offers a radio service, like Spotify or Pandora that automatically picks similar songs and plays them for you. For a Chrome extension, this is awesome. You’re also able to queue up songs from around the web by just right clicking on them, which makes it easy to listen all day. Having used Streamus for a few days now, I’d be pretty surprised if Google didn’t end up offering to acquire the extension; it’s simply that good. Streamus doesn’t require a YouTube Music Key subscription to work; it works with plain old YouTube. It’s a little disappointing that Google itself couldn’t deliver something this awesome when it launched YouTube Music Key, but this extension brings it to its full potential.     3 Ways To Use Google Chrome As A Music Player For Local Files 3 Ways To Use Google Chrome As A Music Player For Local Files We often talk about how powerful web browsers have become; from simple programs that let you access HTML pages, they have turned into very powerful apps that support many other file formats. Case in point; what if you wanted to ditch your music player and use Chrome instead? With no additional apps or extensions installed, you can open an MP3 file in Chrome by dragging & [...]

The post The Best Music Streaming Chrome Extension Out There! appeared first on Merriam Music - Toronto's Top Piano Store & Music School.

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