Thursday, 2 July 2015

See How Your Music Lessons Made You Smarter

Most people know that music education has many positive benefits, but we rarely see the facts to back these claims up. These 10 studies prove that music education does have a noticeable effect on children. Music lessons open up our mind to think in different ways. The concept of a major chord sounding ''happy'' and a minor chord sounding dark" is surprisingly abstract. Still, children can learn to understand and articulate concepts like this from a young age. Music theory is very much like math. Well, it is math. A rhythm can be boiled down to fractions, and can be represented by many different formulas.Time signatures, notation, and form among many other things, is often understood and taught in a mathematical sense. Though music does involve memorization, it also provides an avenue for interpretation and expression. Music has its own language. Both figuratively and literally. Music students learn French, Italian, and Latin words and phrases to describe rules and functions of music. Every song that you hear on the radio can be broken down into paragraphs of universal musical lingo that lets musicians communicate efficiently and accurately. Benefits of #Music Education - Quick Facts — KawaiPianos (@KawaiPianos) June 4, 2015 Music lessons teach children how to communicate and express feelings and emotions without using their words from a very young age. This caliber of abstract thought is rarely seen at such a high level at such young ages in any other form of extra curricular activity. We know that music has a powerful impact on our youth. Take a look at this info-graph that breaks down these claims into facts and statistics. Created by TakeLessons Test scores are important, but so is music education By Keith Wunderlich, Detroit Free Press guest writer 12:27 a.m. When children study music, they are developing the part of their brains they use for language and reasoning. It requires listening, then learning how to weave disparate ideas. Test scores are important, but so is music education Study: Music Education Could Help Close The Achievement Gap Between Poor And Affluent Students Closing the achievement gap between low-income and affluent students could be as simple as do-re-mi. In a study out Tuesday from Northwestern University, researchers looked at the impact of music education on at-risk childrens nervous systems and found that music lessons could help them develop language and reading skills. The study is the first to document the influence of after-school music education on the brains of disadvantaged children, as opposed to affluent children receiving private lessons. Via

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