Thursday 12 November 2015

Online Music Education Games for Kids

Gaming or playing computer games is often blamed for preventing children from pursuing more productive activities. The challenge here is that gaming appeals to children because it’s fun. That’s the reason why learning has today been taken to the gaming platform so that kids have their fun and get to learn something new while they’re at it. The great news is that this also applies to music education. There are so many online resources available today that combine interactive gaming with instrumental lessons and music teaching. This would be very useful if your child is having a hard time staying engaged during practice sessions, for instance, because the gaming element holds her attention for longer. Kathy Gossen provides a great resource that you can use to identify good music education games available online in her ultimate list: Having a background as a music teacher, I often get the asked what resources are available for homeschoolers to grow in their music studies. As such, today I’d like to share with you an Ultimate List of Online Music Education Games available for FREE to public and homeschoolers alike to have fun while learning more about music. Whether playing via iPad, SmartBoard, or laptop, each resource provides supportive games and activities to reinforce music concepts at home. Via Cornerstone Confessions She even organizes them for you into six categories: aural training, composers, composition, instruments, notation, symbols/vocabulary and variety: Aural training These are meant to enhance your child’s ability to recall musical patterns, distinguish them from others, identify instruments based on the sounds they produce and imitate rhythms among others. Creating Music Block Game with Rhythm–list the block game above only with an 8-note melodic and rhythmic pattern 12 Steps–Select the sound heard to help Alice (in Wonderland) up the stairs Orchestra Game–listen and identify the instrument played BBC Seaside Activity—match sounds with descriptions See more here... Composers Any proper music education comes with its fair share of history classes. These games will help your child enjoy learning about composers, taking the boredom out of memorization. Quia Composer Fun Matching–match composers with a famous work Fun Brain Word Scramble–given a clue, unscramble the word to name the composer Fun Brain Composers Stay Afloat–play hangman to name the composer DSO Kids Beethoven’s Baseball–multiple choice questions about composers See more here... Composition These give your little genius the chance to get her juices flowing Global Groovin’–create a world-music mix with drag and drop instruments, beats, and sounds BBC Cave Sounds—create a cave-sound mix with drag and drop sounds Classics for Kids Compose Your Very Own Music—compose 4 measures of music in 4/4 time Arts Alive Compose Music—compose a 9 note melody PBS Martha Speaks Make the Band—choose the instruments, vocalists, rhythm and tempo for the band to play See more here... Musical instruments Practicing an instrument is a rewarding process, but it can also become frustrating. Adding a gaming element makes the learning process more fun and interactive, building your child’s confidence. Flying Instruments—a Tetris-like game [...]

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