Thursday, 18 June 2015

Katy Perry’s Dark Horse In 20 Different Styles

  Lets be sure we all understand the kind of talent it takes to pull something like this off! Anthony Vincent has so much control over his voice he can pull off Pantera and Frank Sinatra in the same breath. Though this could come across as gimmicky, I'm sure anyone who has trained vocally can understand how impressive this is. Each tiny adjustment to the shape of your mouth, placement of your tongue, or abdominal muscles has an impact on the tone of your voice. Most people barely get to the point of creating their own perfect sound, yet Anthony has perfected dozens of different world renowned vocal styles. Its also pretty incredible how distinct these vocal styles are! Even without the subtitles, I'm sure most of us could pick out the majority of these impressions, and even be fooled into thinking we were listening to the real John Mayer. Take a look through Anthony's other videos, he certainly has talent for musical impressions. Try listening to his videos with your eyes closed and see how many of the artists you can pick off by ear!  

The post Katy Perry’s Dark Horse In 20 Different Styles appeared first on Merriam Music - Toronto's Top Piano Store & Music School.

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